When a QTimer times out, every Signal-Slot connection, which joins signal of this QTimer with an slot, fires this slot exactly one time. QTimer timeout signal not invoking slot when run on a different thread. Pass pointer to itself in emit in Qt. When or how to delete QThread in Qt. The QTimer class provides a high-level programming interface for timers. To use it, create a QTimer, connect its timeout signal to the appropriate slots, and call start. From then on it will emit the timeout signal at constant intervals. Example for a one second (1000 millisecond) timer (from the Analog Clock example).
The PySide.QtCore.QTimerclass provides a high-level programming interface for timers. To use it, create a PySide.QtCore.QTimer, connect its PySide.QtCore.QTimer.timeoutsignal to the appropriate slots, and call PySide.QtCore.QTimer.start. From then on it will emit the PySide.QtCore.QTimer.timeoutsignal at constant intervals.
Multithreading technology is used to design three methods, one is to use counter module QTimer, the other is to use multithreading module QThread, and the other is to use event processing function.
If you want to perform an operation periodically in the application summary, such as periodically detecting the CPU of the host, you need to use the QTimer (timer). The QTimer class provides repetitive and single timers. To use the timer, you need to first create an instance of the QTImer, connect its timeout signal to the corresponding slot, and call start.
The demo pops up a window, which disappears after 10 seconds.
QThread is the core underlying class in Qt threads
Thread instances can be invoked directly when using threads, and threads can be started by calling its start() function. After starting threads, the run method implemented by threads can be invoked automatically. This method starts with the execution function of threads.
The thread task of the business is written in the run function, and the thread ends when run exits. QThread has strarted and finished signals. It can specify slot functions for these two signals, and specify a section of code to initialize and release resources after the start and end of the thread.
Common methods
Although the interface data display and data read-write are separated, if the data read-write is very time-consuming, the interface will be stuck.
We use loops to simulate very time-consuming work. When the test button is clicked, the program interface stops responding directly. It is not updated until the end of the loop, and the timer is always displayed at 0.
All windows in PyQt are in the main thread of the UI, which blocks the UI thread by performing time-consuming operations, thus stopping the window from responding. If the window does not respond for a long time, it will affect the user experience. To avoid this problem, use the QThread to open a new thread to perform time-consuming operations on that thread.
WorkThread inherits from the QThread class and rewrites its run function. The run() function is what the new thread needs to execute. In the run function, a loop is executed, and then the calculated signal is transmitted.
PyQt uses two mechanisms for event handlers: high-level signal and slot mechanisms and low-level event handlers. We introduce the use of the low-level event handler, the processEvents() function, whose function is to process time, simply to refresh the page.
For a time-consuming program, PyQt has to wait for the program to finish execution before it can proceed to the next step, which is shown as Katon on the page.
Added by victor78 on Thu, 26 Sep 2019 10:33:26 +0300